Waterloo Girls Hockey Association is happy to announce that registration is now open for the 2024-2025 season! We are currently offering Rookie Ravens (formerly Learn To Skate), U7 to U18 House League, U9 to U18 Representative, as well as U22 AA Elite and Senior programming this season. We will be hosting our tournaments again this year, including the US Canada Cup, Fall Challenge Cup (FCC) and Waterloo Cup.
For players interested in Rep Programs, we expect to hold the remainder of tryouts in early September for U9 Rep, U11 Tier 3, U15 Tier 4 and U18 Tier 4.
For players interested in House League Programs, we will be completing our usual player placement weekends in late September with practices starting in early October.
Please register for the season as soon as you can as this helps us better plan based on player numbers. Please note that U9 to U18 base registration fees increase by $100 after July 31st, 2024.
To learn more about what WGHA is offering and to complete your registration, please click on the Registration tab at the top of the Raven's website home page and select 2024-2025 Basic Registration.
We are happy to have you back with us again this season. It will be a great one!
In the meantime, enjoy the spring and summer!
Be Kind, Be Safe, Stay Healthy,
Sandra Hanmer
President, WGHA
For the Kids! For the Game! For the Fun of it!