Sep 07, 2013 |
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Tryout Releases Atom BB
Once again I'd like to thank every player who has participated in the Atom BB evaluations so far. The coaches and I have found selections to be very challenging.
The following players are invited to return for the fourth evaluation, an exhibition game against Grand River, Monday at 7 pm at the Elora arena (David street in Elora)
Red 2,3,4,5,6,7,20,22,24,25
Blue 4,7,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,34,35
The following players will not be dressing for the game, but are required to attend.
Red 2,6
Blue 17,18,25
To those players who have been released, thank you so much for the hard work. The Atom B try outs start tomorrow morning at 9:30 am, at RIM Optimists. Coach Geoff is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
David Archibald
Head Coach
Waterloo Ravens Atom BB