Peewee B Team added for 2016-17 Season, News, Peewee B, 2016-2017, Rep (Waterloo Ravens Girls Hockey Association )

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This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 14, 2016 | WGMHA | 1508 views
Peewee B Team added for 2016-17 Season
Due to the overwhelming registration for the Peewee BB try-outs, interest from parents, ice availability and a willing coach, WGMHA is pleased to announce that there will be a Peewee B Team formed for the 2016-17 season. 

September 15th, 2016 7 - 8 pm AMC is the next try-out for both Peewee BB and Peewee B. Immediately following the try-out we would like to meet with parents to discuss the process for selecting both the Peewee BB and Peewee B Teams. Please come to the viewing area on the second floor at Albert.

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