Sunday April 23rd Intersquad Tryout Game, News, Midget AA, 2017-2018, Rep (Waterloo Ravens Girls Hockey Association )

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Apr 22, 2017 | Mark | 1387 views
Sunday April 23rd Intersquad Tryout Game
Great job by the girls who played in the exhibition win last night in Cambridge.

This is a reminder that the next ice time, for ALL players who are part of the tryout process, will be an intersquad game Sunday night at 8:00 pm at Waterloo Rec Centre.  Players should arrive by 7:15 to sign in and prepare for the game.

The first set of on-line releases will take place following the ice session Sunday night.  The team will then play exhibition games on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday in an effort to make final roster decisions.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark at [email protected] or by cell at 226-338-0109.  Any player who has withdrawn from the Ravens MAA tryout process should notify Mark by email or text.

Thanks for now.

Mark Israel
Waterloo Ravens MAA