Dec 02, 2017 | darcher | 1447 views
Atom DS Team Selection 2017-2018
Atom DS Team Selection 2017-2018
I’d like to thank all the young ladies who came out to the Atom DS tryouts. Every single player made it hard on the selection committee to finalize a roster. Thanks all for a great effort!
The following are the game day and tournament roster selections
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B10, B11, B13, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R8, R20
Additional Practice (AP) roster selections
R6, R7, B8
Again, everyone listed above is invited to take part in our 10 practices this year and AP players will be invited to play in our games when game day roster players are absent.
The team will look to hold a parent meeting after our first practice, which is Monday December 11th at Albert McCormick East. We will likely look to meet in the Beaupre Room, if available, or upstairs in the viewing area. We need at least one parent from each player to attend, for both the game day players and AP players. Please bring your cheque books with you as we will need to open our team account ASAP.
Thanks again to all the young ladies who participated in the tryout selection, and congratulations to all the game day and AP players for making the team.
Also, thanks to the parents, and non-parents, who helped out with the tryouts both on and off the ice.
The coaching staff is looking forward to a great year with this team!!!