Food4Kids, News, U11 1 #1110, 2023-2024, House (Waterloo Ravens Girls Hockey Association )

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Jan 22, 2024 | Shaun Leitch | 268 views
U11 HL Ravens give back

On January 17th your U11 HL Team 1 Ravens participated in packing food for local schools at Food4Kids Waterloo Region. 

Food4Kids provide an essential service for local children experiencing chronic hunger. They deliver nutritious food packages directly to at-risk, vulnerable children when they are not in school and need our help the most. The Weekend Program is facilitated by volunteers, as well as school staff, teachers, and principals who ensure that children receive the food packages, without stigma. Each week, volunteers pack and distribute food packages that are delivered to participating schools. Plain plastic bags are filled with healthy food items and placed in the child’s backpack on Friday, before the child leaves for home for the weekend. These packages provide enough food to sustain and nourish the children until they are back at school on Monday morning.

On behalf of the coaching staff I would personally like to thank all players and parents to participated in such a great initiative.
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