Oct 02, 2012 | Don | 1228 views
Welcome to Bantam 1!
Welcome to Bantam 1!
Thank you everyone for working so hard at our practices the last few weeks!
Great Work!
One thing I would like to mention, please ensure you arrive at the practices early enough to ensure you can get ready before the practice starts. I would suggest at least 20 minutes (if you are a fast changer) or 30 minutes (if you are slower).
Also, for games, I want to ensure that everyone is ready 10 minutes before the game. We will have a "chalk talk" before each game and after each game. This is a very important part of our game preparartion and I want to ensure that everyone is ready 10 minutes before the game.
Finally, for Home games we will be wearing White and for Away games we will be wearing Black.
Coach Don